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Ultimate Green Blog

6 Tips to Give Your Child a Better Night’s Sleep

organic sheet setOh to have a baby that sleeps like a rock from day one! Often for new parents, getting their baby to sleep (or stay asleep) can be a challenge at the end of each day. If your baby isn’t sleeping well, not only does that mean crankiness throughout the day, but you may find yourself even more cranky than your baby! Here are some parenting tips that will hopefully help your baby sleep like an angel each night.
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How Can Organic Baby Products Promote Health And Quality Of Life?

organic sheet setBy now, many people have started including organic foods and products into their everyday lives. And while adults have the privilege of choosing to purchase and use whichever products they deem safe, babies don't have the same luxury. That means it's on parents to determine which products are safest for their little ones. If you're unsure about which products are best for your baby, it's important to make informed decisions as soon as possible. 
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Raising a Green Baby: 3 Green Baby Tips Every Parent Show Know

Between playtime, bath time, and bed time, your little one can be quite the lovable handful. With so much to worry about from dangerous chemicals to choking hazards, keeping your little angel safe and healthy may seem daunting- but raising a green baby with a little help from The Ultimate Green Store will make it easier.


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Exploring The Undeniable Benefits of Organic Bedding

When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, many Americans are severely sleep deprived. Seven to nine hours of sleep per night are what's generally recommended and what is very important for your health, but in the United States, 42% of adults typically get less than seven hours. Sleep should be a time when our body rests and heals. If you find yourself consistently struggling to get a restful night’s sleep and suffer from allergies, skin rashes or other health problems, investing in an organic bedding set may be exactly what you need. Here are just a few benefits of organic bedding.


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Benefits of Organic Bedding: 3 Reasons to Switch to Organic

Offering literal and figurative comfort, our beds serve as a mediating sanctuary, separate yet at once connected to the world. It’s where we go to distance or revitalize ourselves, to lay ourselves down to rest or sleep. In fact, the average person spends a third of their life in bed, never mind their bedroom. That is why it’s important to invest in bedding that’s comfortable and stylish, yes, but also healthy. Organic bedding is actually more comfortable—especially over time—than “conventional” cotton sheeting, and has a host of far-reaching, positive consequences including improved individual wellness, a cleaner home, and a healthier environment. Many of us already embrace organic products such as food, detergents, household cleaners, and cosmetics—isn’t it time we start embracing organic bedding?


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Summer Whites - The Dirt On Cleaning With Chlorine Bleach

summer beddingFrom Memorial Day to Labor Day, nothing says "summer wardrobe" quite like the color white. But it can be challenging to keep everything from billowy cover-ups that invariably get sunscreen-stained to that favorite pair of white jeans (nothing seems to make my dogs want to jump on me more!) white. What most people turn to is bleach. The problem is that most products on the market (that are staples in most people's homes) are not as "clean" as you think.


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