By now, many people have started including organic foods and products into their everyday lives. And while adults have the privilege of choosing to purchase and use whichever products they deem safe, babies don't have the same luxury. That means it's on parents to determine which products are safest for their little ones. If you're unsure about which products are best for your baby, it's important to make informed decisions as soon as possible.
Babies systems are not fully developed and are more sensitive to the harms of chemicals found in everyday products. While switching to an all-organic lifestyle may not be practical right now, prioritizing going organic for the products your baby comes into contact with, can contribute to their health. Since babies spend so much of their time asleep in their crib, many parents have started to invest in organic bed sheets. Here are just a few benefits of these natural organic baby products.
Safer On Delicate Skin
As is the case with many types of bedding and other products, non organics can irritate sensitive skin. That means those who suffer from allergies are more likely to suffer side effects from the chemicals found in non organic fabrics and textiles. Skin rashes, hives, and itchiness are things that most people who suffer from allergies are all too familiar with.
However, these sensitivity issues can be even more severe for babies, whose immune systems aren't fully developed. Babies also have up to five times thinner skin than adults, which means it's easier than ever for chemicals and other toxins to affect your baby's health. Investing in
organic sheet sets and other products that are chemical-free ensures that your baby is not exposed to the many risks of chemical exposure while they sleep. This is true also of crib mattresses. Conventional crib mattresses offgas potentially harmful chemicals and often are coated with harmful flame retardants. Organic crib mattresses, on the other hand, contain none of these harmful chemicals and are made in way to be naturally flame retardant.
Promote Comfort And Sleep
Anyone who's ever invested in and slept in organic bedding can tell you that there is peace of mind in knowing that what surrounds you as you sleep is safe, healthy and chemical free. That peace of mind is enough to contribute to a more restful night's sleep! While as adults we spend on average of one third of our lives in bed, newborns sleep a total of 10.5 to 18 hours a day. With that much time spent in bed and with growth happening as they sleep, it’s especially important that babies have a restful, cozy and also healthy sleep environment. And what could be more important to a parent who will also sleep better knowing they are surrounding their baby with organic purity!
There are many reasons to avoid traditional, chemical-filled materials and fabrics. Ultimately, it's up to you to conduct research and make an informed decision about the products your baby comes into contact with every day. For more information about organic crib mattresses, organic sheet sets and organic baby blankets contact us at The Ultimate Green Store.